Where you can read the relatively rational ramblings of a silly half-monkey, half-boy. This freak of nature is named Joel. He also responds to the name 'Bart Wang'.

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Merry Christmas from Sufjan Stevens!

If you haven't heard and loved Sufjan Stevens, I will maim you. I found out about some guy that has all of Sufjan's Christmas albums hosted on his site. You can go there by clicking on the links here and here and here. Yes, they're all the same.

Thanks to Opus for the heads-up about some live Sufjan from Belgium! You can download the fifteen track performance for free! The sound quality is pretty decent too. Do it now before this guy's bandwidth is destroyed.

I'm out to do a last home inspection on our new house (oh yeah, we bought that house we were looking at!) before we drop the conditions on the sale. I can give you more details later. Enjoy your free music!


Blogger Fungineer said...


4:02 p.m.


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