Where you can read the relatively rational ramblings of a silly half-monkey, half-boy. This freak of nature is named Joel. He also responds to the name 'Bart Wang'.

Friday, January 27, 2006

It's a love-in!

Darren Conley posted a link to an article in the Hamilton Spectator today about John Campea's site, The Movie Blog. John started the site back in 2003 and was running it with Lapsley and Todd before they left and started their own movie site. Anyhow, John started doing an audio edition of The Movie Blog that involved him and Doug Nagy talking about (mostly mainstream) movies. I loved it because I don't get to see Nagy enough and I think he's one of the funniest guys I have the pleasure of knowing. Sometime later, Darren joined the crew one day a week. Darren is also a hilarious guy and a perfect complement to the discussions. The audio edition was nominated as one of the top five podcasts on the WHOLE INTERNET! Go here and vote for them. Make sure you vote for PostSecret too because that's such a killer idea and it is always interesting when it updates every Sunday.

When you're done, you can regularly check into Breukelaar's blog too. He has linked to me several times so I figured I'd return the favour. Dave's smart, tall, funny and tried to keep my wife from getting even more drunk so I owe him. Hahahaha.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are kind generous and handsome.

10:19 p.m.


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