Where you can read the relatively rational ramblings of a silly half-monkey, half-boy. This freak of nature is named Joel. He also responds to the name 'Bart Wang'.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Jesus freaks out in the street, handing tickets out for God

Ever heard of a pastor who supports the separation of church and state? Oh, and isn't a nutbar? Let me introduce you to two. First, the teaching pastor of our church, Bruxy Cavey. Second, Gregory Boyd. I think I might have first read his most widely-known book, Letters From A Skeptic. What hooked me was his later work, God Of The Possible, which properly introduced me to the theological position known as open theism. I had been thinking thoughts for a couple years that were explained and expanded by Dr. Boyd. This dude is crazy smart. I have a few of his other books (Repenting Of Religion, Is God To Blame?, God At War) that I have yet to read and want to get more.

Dr. Boyd is the pastor of Woodland Hills Church in St. Paul, Minnesota. The church website features the sermons delivered each Sunday. I just decided to drop in after not having looked at it for some time and found an interesting article that was written about Dr. Boyd and the church by the New York Times. Boyd gave a sermon series called The Cross and The Sword before the last American election that sounds pretty radical (in both its senses used by Webster's and Bart Simpson) and Biblical. He pissed off a lot of church members (the NY Times article states that around 1000 people left the church) but, in my estimation, pleased God and assisted in facilitating the spiritual growth of many, many people. He's expanded on the sermons and written a book called The Myth Of A Christian Nation. I suggest you join me in downloading the sermons and reading the book at some point. I'm off to download and burn 'em.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, Bruxy is the guest on the movie blog's Audio edition today!

10:22 p.m.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good stuff. The pastor at my church (Southern Baptist) was a big proponent of separation of church and state, because (among other things) it keeps the state out of the affairs of the church.

9:16 a.m.


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